Hello Everyone,
I thought I would share with you a very interesting article that I recently found entitled "How to sell classical music to the masses." It came from a news website based in the UK, and the principal topic is a discussion about the modern classical concert experience and the efforts that have been made to attract a larger, younger audience.
I especially like the fact that the article provides a dozen or so commentaries written by people from many different areas of the music industry. There is a great deal of variety when it comes to the topics people choose to address - everything from the ideal time of day for concerts, the lighting in the hall, the choice of programming, ways to lighten the atmosphere, etc. I found one pianist's comment to be a very important thought; "it's all about me communicating with the audience as one of them, not as a lecturer or an academic."
I think it is important for us musicians to remind ourselves that we perform in order to share an experience, Music, with others. The reasons that bring us all, both performers and audience members, to the concert hall should really be the same in the end - a passion for music and its ability to touch us in special ways that can never be fully explained.
I hope you enjoy the article!
All for now.